Class NettyUtils

  • public class NettyUtils
    extends Object
    Helper methods for netty code.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NettyUtils

        public NettyUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • newNioOrEpollEventLoopGroup

        public static newNioOrEpollEventLoopGroup()
        If Epoll.isAvailable() == true, returns a new EpollEventLoopGroup, otherwise returns a new NioEventLoopGroup. Creates the event loop group using the default number of threads.
        a new EventLoopGroup.
      • newNioOrEpollEventLoopGroup

        public static newNioOrEpollEventLoopGroup​(int nThreads)
        If Epoll.isAvailable() == true, returns a new EpollEventLoopGroup, otherwise returns a new NioEventLoopGroup. Creates the event loop group using the specified number of threads instead of the default.
        nThreads - see NioEventLoopGroup(int).
        a new EventLoopGroup.
      • nioOrEpollSocketChannel

        public static Class<? extends> nioOrEpollSocketChannel()
        If Epoll.isAvailable() == true, returns EpollSocketChannel, otherwise returns NioSocketChannel.
        a socket channel class.
      • nioOrEpollServerSocketChannel

        public static Class<? extends> nioOrEpollServerSocketChannel()
        If Epoll.isAvailable() == true, returns EpollServerSocketChannel, otherwise returns NioServerSocketChannel.
        a server socket channel class.
      • getClientReachableLocalInetAddressCount

        public static int getClientReachableLocalInetAddressCount()
        Attempts to detect and return the number of local network addresses that could be used by a client to reach this server. This means we exclude the following address types:
        • Multicast addresses. Zookeeper server sockets use TCP, thus cannot bind to a multicast address.
        • Link-local addresses. Routers don't forward traffic sent to a link-local address, so any realistic server deployment would not have clients using these.
        • Loopback addresses. These are typically only used for testing.
        Any remaining addresses are counted, and the total count is returned. This number is used to configure the number of threads for the "boss" event loop group, to make sure we have enough threads for each address in case the server is configured to listen on all available addresses. If listing the network interfaces fails, this method will return 1.
        the number of client-reachable local network addresses found, or 1 if listing the network interfaces fails.