Class ContainerManager

  • public class ContainerManager
    extends Object
    Manages cleanup of container ZNodes. This class is meant to only be run from the leader. There's no harm in running from followers/observers but that will be extra work that's not needed. Once started, it periodically checks container nodes that have a cversion > 0 and have no children. A delete is attempted on the node. The result of the delete is unimportant. If the proposal fails or the container node is not empty there's no harm.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContainerManager

        public ContainerManager​(ZKDatabase zkDb,
                                RequestProcessor requestProcessor,
                                int checkIntervalMs,
                                int maxPerMinute)
        zkDb - the ZK database
        requestProcessor - request processer - used to inject delete container requests
        checkIntervalMs - how often to check containers in milliseconds
        maxPerMinute - the max containers to delete per second - avoids herding of container deletions
      • ContainerManager

        public ContainerManager​(ZKDatabase zkDb,
                                RequestProcessor requestProcessor,
                                int checkIntervalMs,
                                int maxPerMinute,
                                long maxNeverUsedIntervalMs)
        zkDb - the ZK database
        requestProcessor - request processer - used to inject delete container requests
        checkIntervalMs - how often to check containers in milliseconds
        maxPerMinute - the max containers to delete per second - avoids herding of container deletions
        maxNeverUsedIntervalMs - the max time in milliseconds that a container that has never had any children is retained