Class LearnerSyncThrottler

  • public class LearnerSyncThrottler
    extends Object
    Utility class to limit the number of concurrent syncs from a leader to observers and followers or from a follower to observers. LearnerHandler objects should call beginSync(boolean) before sending a sync and endSync() after finishing, successfully or not.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LearnerSyncThrottler

        public LearnerSyncThrottler​(int maxConcurrentSyncs,
                                    LearnerSyncThrottler.SyncType syncType)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Constructs a new instance limiting the concurrent number of syncs to maxConcurrentSyncs.
        maxConcurrentSyncs - maximum concurrent number of syncs
        syncType - either a snapshot sync or a txn-based diff sync
        IllegalArgumentException - when maxConcurrentSyncs is less than 1
    • Method Detail

      • beginSync

        protected void beginSync​(boolean essential)
                          throws SyncThrottleException,
        Indicates that a new sync is about to be sent.
        essential - if true, do not throw an exception even if throttling limit is reached
        SyncThrottleException - if throttling limit has been exceeded and essential == false, even after waiting for the timeout period, if any
        InterruptedException - if thread is interrupted while trying to start a sync; cannot happen if timeout is zero
      • endSync

        public void endSync()
        Indicates that a sync has been completed.
      • setMaxConcurrentSyncs

        public void setMaxConcurrentSyncs​(int maxConcurrentSyncs)
      • getSyncInProgress

        public int getSyncInProgress()