Class QuorumCnxManager

  • public class QuorumCnxManager
    extends Object
    This class implements a connection manager for leader election using TCP. It maintains one connection for every pair of servers. The tricky part is to guarantee that there is exactly one connection for every pair of servers that are operating correctly and that can communicate over the network. If two servers try to start a connection concurrently, then the connection manager uses a very simple tie-breaking mechanism to decide which connection to drop based on the IP addressed of the two parties. For every peer, the manager maintains a queue of messages to send. If the connection to any particular peer drops, then the sender thread puts the message back on the list. As this implementation currently uses a queue implementation to maintain messages to send to another peer, we add the message to the tail of the queue, thus changing the order of messages. Although this is not a problem for the leader election, it could be a problem when consolidating peer communication. This is to be verified, though.
    • Method Detail

      • testInitiateConnection

        public void testInitiateConnection​(long sid)
        Invokes initiateConnection for testing purposes
        sid -
      • initiateConnection

        public void initiateConnection​(MultipleAddresses electionAddr,
                                       Long sid)
        First we create the socket, perform SSL handshake and authentication if needed. Then we perform the initiation protocol. If this server has initiated the connection, then it gives up on the connection if it loses challenge. Otherwise, it keeps the connection.
      • initiateConnectionAsync

        public boolean initiateConnectionAsync​(MultipleAddresses electionAddr,
                                               Long sid)
        Server will initiate the connection request to its peer server asynchronously via separate connection thread.
      • receiveConnection

        public void receiveConnection​(Socket sock)
        If this server receives a connection request, then it gives up on the new connection if it wins. Notice that it checks whether it has a connection to this server already or not. If it does, then it sends the smallest possible long value to lose the challenge.
      • receiveConnectionAsync

        public void receiveConnectionAsync​(Socket sock)
        Server receives a connection request and handles it asynchronously via separate thread.
      • toSend

        public void toSend​(Long sid,
                           ByteBuffer b)
        Processes invoke this message to queue a message to send. Currently, only leader election uses it.
      • connectAll

        public void connectAll()
        Try to establish a connection with each server if one doesn't exist.
      • halt

        public void halt()
        Flag that it is time to wrap up all activities and interrupt the listener.
      • softHalt

        public void softHalt()
        A soft halt simply finishes workers.
      • getThreadCount

        public long getThreadCount()
        Return number of worker threads
      • getConnectionThreadCount

        public long getConnectionThreadCount()
        Return number of connection processing threads.
      • addToRecvQueue

        public void addToRecvQueue​(QuorumCnxManager.Message msg)
        Inserts an element in the recvQueue. If the Queue is full, this methods removes an element from the head of the Queue and then inserts the element at the tail of the queue.
        msg - Reference to the message to be inserted in the queue
      • connectedToPeer

        public boolean connectedToPeer​(long peerSid)
      • isReconfigEnabled

        public boolean isReconfigEnabled()