Class PathTrie

  • public class PathTrie
    extends Object
    a class that implements prefix matching for components of a filesystem path. the trie looks like a tree with edges mapping to the component of a path. example /ab/bc/cf would map to a trie / ab/ (ab) bc/ / (bc) cf/ (cf)
    • Constructor Detail

      • PathTrie

        public PathTrie()
        Construct a new PathTrie with a root node.
    • Method Detail

      • addPath

        public void addPath​(String path)
        Add a path to the path trie. All paths are relative to the root node.
        path - the path to add to the trie
      • deletePath

        public void deletePath​(String path)
        Delete a path from the trie. All paths are relative to the root node.
        path - the path to be deleted
      • existsNode

        public boolean existsNode​(String path)
        Return true if the given path exists in the trie, otherwise return false; All paths are relative to the root node.
        path - the input path
        the largest prefix for the
      • findMaxPrefix

        public String findMaxPrefix​(String path)
        Return the largest prefix for the input path. All paths are relative to the root node.
        path - the input path
        the largest prefix for the input path
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear all nodes in the trie.