Class DumbWatcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ServerWatcher, Watcher

    public class DumbWatcher
    extends ServerCnxn
    A empty watcher implementation used in bench and unit test.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DumbWatcher

        public DumbWatcher()
      • DumbWatcher

        public DumbWatcher​(long sessionId)
    • Method Detail

      • sendResponse

        public int sendResponse​(ReplyHeader h,
                                Record r,
                                String tag,
                                String cacheKey,
                                Stat stat,
                                int opCode)
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from class: ServerCnxn
        Serializes a ZooKeeper response and enqueues it for sending. Serializes client response parts and enqueues them into outgoing queue. If both cache key and last modified zxid are provided, the serialized response is caсhed under the provided key, the last modified zxid is stored along with the value. A cache entry is invalidated if the provided last modified zxid is more recent than the stored one. Attention: this function is not thread safe, due to caching not being thread safe.
        Specified by:
        sendResponse in class ServerCnxn
        h - reply header
        r - reply payload, can be null
        tag - Jute serialization tag, can be null
        cacheKey - Key for caching the serialized payload. A null value prevents caching.
        stat - Stat information for the the reply payload, used for cache invalidation. A value of 0 prevents caching.
        opCode - The op code appertains to the corresponding request of the response, used to decide which cache (e.g. read response cache, list of children response cache, ...) object to look up to when applicable.