Class PurgeTxnLog

  • @Public
    public class PurgeTxnLog
    extends Object
    this class is used to clean up the snapshot and data log dir's. This is usually run as a cronjob on the zookeeper server machine. Invocation of this class will clean up the datalogdir files and snapdir files keeping the last "-n" snapshot files and the corresponding logs.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PurgeTxnLog

        public PurgeTxnLog()
    • Method Detail

      • purge

        public static void purge​(File dataDir,
                                 File snapDir,
                                 int num)
                          throws IOException
        Purges the snapshot and logs keeping the last num snapshots and the corresponding logs. If logs are rolling or a new snapshot is created during this process, these newest N snapshots or any data logs will be excluded from current purging cycle.
        dataDir - the dir that has the logs
        snapDir - the dir that has the snapshots
        num - the number of snapshots to keep
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws IOException
        args - dataLogDir [snapDir] -n count dataLogDir -- path to the txn log directory snapDir -- path to the snapshot directory count -- the number of old snaps/logs you want to keep, value should be greater than or equal to 3