Class WatchManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WatchManager
    extends Object
    implements IWatchManager
    This class manages watches. It allows watches to be associated with a string and removes watchers and their watches in addition to managing triggers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WatchManager

        public WatchManager()
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Get the size of watchers.
        Specified by:
        size in interface IWatchManager
        the watchers number managed in this class.
      • addWatch

        public boolean addWatch​(String path,
                                Watcher watcher)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Add watch to specific path.
        Specified by:
        addWatch in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        true if the watcher added is not already present
      • addWatch

        public boolean addWatch​(String path,
                                Watcher watcher,
                                WatcherMode watcherMode)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Add watch to specific path.
        Specified by:
        addWatch in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        watcherMode - the watcher mode to use
        true if the watcher added is not already present
      • removeWatcher

        public void removeWatcher​(Watcher watcher)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        The entry to remove the watcher when the cnxn is closed.
        Specified by:
        removeWatcher in interface IWatchManager
        watcher - watcher object reference
      • triggerWatch

        public WatcherOrBitSet triggerWatch​(String path,
                                            Watcher.Event.EventType type,
                                            long zxid,
                                            List<ACL> acl)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Distribute the watch event for the given path.
        Specified by:
        triggerWatch in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        type - the watch event type
        zxid - the zxid for the corresponding change that triggered this event
        acl - ACL of the znode in path
        the watchers have been notified
      • triggerWatch

        public WatcherOrBitSet triggerWatch​(String path,
                                            Watcher.Event.EventType type,
                                            long zxid,
                                            List<ACL> acl,
                                            WatcherOrBitSet supress)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Distribute the watch event for the given path, but ignore those suppressed ones.
        Specified by:
        triggerWatch in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        type - the watch event type
        zxid - the zxid for the corresponding change that triggered this event
        supress - the suppressed watcher set
        the watchers have been notified
      • dumpWatches

        public void dumpWatches​(PrintWriter pwriter,
                                boolean byPath)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        String representation of watches. Warning, may be large!
        Specified by:
        dumpWatches in interface IWatchManager
        pwriter - the writer to dump the watches
        byPath - iff true output watches by paths, otw output watches by connection
      • containsWatcher

        public boolean containsWatcher​(String path,
                                       Watcher watcher)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Checks the specified watcher exists for the given path.
        Specified by:
        containsWatcher in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        true if the watcher exists, false otherwise
      • containsWatcher

        public boolean containsWatcher​(String path,
                                       Watcher watcher,
                                       WatcherMode watcherMode)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Checks the specified watcher exists for the given path and mode.
        Specified by:
        containsWatcher in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        watcherMode - watcher mode, null for any mode
        true if the watcher exists, false otherwise
      • removeWatcher

        public boolean removeWatcher​(String path,
                                     Watcher watcher,
                                     WatcherMode watcherMode)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Removes the specified watcher for the given path and mode.
        Specified by:
        removeWatcher in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        watcherMode - watcher mode, null to remove all modes
        true if the watcher successfully removed, false otherwise
      • removeWatcher

        public boolean removeWatcher​(String path,
                                     Watcher watcher)
        Description copied from interface: IWatchManager
        Removes the specified watcher for the given path.
        Specified by:
        removeWatcher in interface IWatchManager
        path - znode path
        watcher - watcher object reference
        true if the watcher successfully removed, false otherwise