Uses of Class

Packages that use Stat

Uses of Stat in org.apache.zookeeper

Methods in org.apache.zookeeper that return Stat
 Stat ZooKeeper.exists(String path, boolean watch)
          Return the stat of the node of the given path.
 Stat ZooKeeper.exists(String path, Watcher watcher)
          Return the stat of the node of the given path.
 Stat ZooKeeper.setACL(String path, List<ACL> acl, int version)
          Set the ACL for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the given version matches the version of the node.
 Stat ZooKeeper.setData(String path, byte[] data, int version)
          Set the data for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the given version matches the version of the node (if the given version is -1, it matches any node's versions).

Methods in org.apache.zookeeper with parameters of type Stat
 List<ACL> ZooKeeper.getACL(String path, Stat stat)
          Return the ACL and stat of the node of the given path.
 void ZooKeeper.getACL(String path, Stat stat, AsyncCallback.ACLCallback cb, Object ctx)
          The Asynchronous version of getACL.
 List<String> ZooKeeper.getChildren(String path, boolean watch, Stat stat)
          For the given znode path return the stat and children list.
 List<String> ZooKeeper.getChildren(String path, Watcher watcher, Stat stat)
          For the given znode path return the stat and children list.
 byte[] ZooKeeper.getData(String path, boolean watch, Stat stat)
          Return the data and the stat of the node of the given path.
 byte[] ZooKeeper.getData(String path, Watcher watcher, Stat stat)
          Return the data and the stat of the node of the given path.
 void AsyncCallback.DataCallback.processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, byte[] data, Stat stat)
 void AsyncCallback.ACLCallback.processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, List<ACL> acl, Stat stat)
 void AsyncCallback.Children2Callback.processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, List<String> children, Stat stat)
 void AsyncCallback.StatCallback.processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, Stat stat)

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