Package org.apache.zookeeper
Interface Summary Interface Description AsyncCallback Interface definitions of asynchronous callbacks.AsyncCallback.ACLCallback This callback is used to retrieve the ACL and stat of the node.AsyncCallback.AllChildrenNumberCallback This callback is used to get all children node number of the node.AsyncCallback.Children2Callback This callback is used to retrieve the children and stat of the node.AsyncCallback.ChildrenCallback This callback is used to retrieve the children of the node.AsyncCallback.Create2Callback This callback is used to retrieve the name and stat of the node.AsyncCallback.DataCallback This callback is used to retrieve the data and stat of the node.AsyncCallback.EphemeralsCallback This callback is used to process the getEphemerals results from a single getEphemerals call.AsyncCallback.MultiCallback This callback is used to process the multiple results from a single multi call.AsyncCallback.StatCallback This callback is used to retrieve the stat of the node.AsyncCallback.StringCallback This callback is used to retrieve the name of the node.AsyncCallback.VoidCallback This callback doesn't retrieve anything from the node.ClientWatchManager DigestWatcher This interface is used to notify the digest mismatch event.KeeperException.CodeDeprecated Deprecated. Testable Abstraction that exposes various methods useful for testing ZooKeeperWatcher This interface specifies the public interface an event handler class must implement.Watcher.Event This interface defines the possible states an Event may representZooDefs.AddWatchModes ZooDefs.Ids ZooDefs.OpCode ZooDefs.Perms -
Class Summary Class Description ClientCnxn This class manages the socket i/o for the client.ClientCnxnSocketNetty ClientCnxnSocketNetty implements ClientCnxnSocket abstract methods.ClientCnxnSocketNIO CreateOptions Options for creating znode in ZooKeeper data tree.CreateOptions.Builder Builder forCreateOptions
.DeleteContainerRequest Environment Provide insight into the runtime environment.Environment.Entry Login MultiOperationRecord Encodes a composite operation.MultiResponse Handles the response from a multi request.Op Represents a single operation in a multi-operation transaction.Op.Check Op.Create Op.CreateTTL Op.Delete Op.GetChildren Op.GetData Op.SetData OpResult Encodes the result of a single part of a multiple operation commit.OpResult.CheckResult A result from a version check operation.OpResult.CreateResult A result from a create operation.OpResult.DeleteResult A result from a delete operation.OpResult.ErrorResult An error result from any kind of operation.OpResult.GetChildrenResult A result from a getChildren operation.OpResult.GetDataResult A result from a getData operation.OpResult.SetDataResult A result from a setData operation.Quotas this class manages quotas and has many other utils for quotaSaslClientCallbackHandler This is used by the SASL mechanisms to get further information to complete the authentication.SaslServerPrincipal Computes the Server Principal for a SASL client.ServerAdminClient Shell A base class for running a Unix command.Shell.ShellCommandExecutor A simple shell command executor.StatsTrack a class that represents the stats associated with quotasTransaction Provides a builder style interface for doing multiple updates.Version WatchDeregistration Handles the special case of removing watches which has registered for a client pathWatchedEvent A WatchedEvent represents a change on the ZooKeeper that a Watcher is able to respond to.ZKUtil ZooDefs ZooKeeper This is the main class of ZooKeeper client library.ZooKeeper.WatchRegistration Register a watcher for a particular path.ZookeeperBanner ZookeeperBanner which writes the 'Zookeeper' banner at the start of zk server.ZooKeeperMain The command line client to ZooKeeper. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AddWatchMode Modes available toZooKeeper.addWatch(String, Watcher, AddWatchMode)
CreateMode CreateMode value determines how the znode is created on ZooKeeper.KeeperException.Code Codes which represent the various KeeperException types.Op.OpKind Watcher.Event.EventType Enumeration of types of events that may occur on the ZooKeeperWatcher.Event.KeeperState Enumeration of states the ZooKeeper may be at the eventWatcher.WatcherType Enumeration of types of watchersZooKeeper.States