Class SecurityUtils

  • public final class SecurityUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityUtils

        public SecurityUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • createSaslClient

        public static SaslClient createSaslClient​(Subject subject,
                                                  String servicePrincipal,
                                                  String protocol,
                                                  String serverName,
                                                  org.slf4j.Logger LOG,
                                                  String entity)
                                           throws SaslException
        Create an instance of a SaslClient. It will return null if there is an exception.
        subject - subject
        servicePrincipal - principal
        protocol - name of the protocol for which the authentication is being performed
        serverName - name of the server to authenticate to
        LOG - logger
        entity - can be either zookeeper client or quorum learner
        saslclient object
      • createSaslServer

        public static SaslServer createSaslServer​(Subject subject,
                                                  String protocol,
                                                  String serverName,
                                                  CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
                                                  org.slf4j.Logger LOG)
        Create an instance of a SaslServer. It will return null if there is an exception.
        subject - subject
        protocol - protocol
        serverName - server name
        callbackHandler - login callback handler
        LOG - logger
        sasl server object
      • getServerPrincipal

        public static String getServerPrincipal​(String principalConfig,
                                                String hostname)
        Convert Kerberos principal name pattern to valid Kerberos principal name. If the principal name contains hostname pattern "_HOST" then it replaces with the given hostname, which should be fully-qualified domain name.
        principalConfig - the Kerberos principal name conf value to convert
        hostname - the fully-qualified domain name used for substitution
        converted Kerberos principal name